Listening to
Marvin Rosen's 9/11 marathon on WPRB. He's playing 24 hours of music inspired by the attacks of 9/11, without commentary. Letting the music do the talking.
I missed the first 17 hours, being absorbed in 1.Dr. Who, 2. Sleeping, 3., watching and listening to the memorials broadcast on TV and 4. baking goodies for the necessary sugar uplift later in the day.
But now I'm tuned in and digging it. On Facebook, people have been posting music like crazy the last week in "Postminimalist, Totalist, etc." group. Hoping to listen to some of that later.
Also going on today is the
"Music After" Marathon, containing performances involving dozens, if not hundreds, of musicians and composers who have some connection to downtown New York City. I wrote about this for the Asbury Park Press a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, the Press isn't consistent about archiving my columns online, so I can't find a link to it anywhere. But you can read about it on
Christian Carey's blog for
Sequenza21. The performance started this morning (at the time of the first plane strike of the WTC) and continues until at least midnight at Joyce SoHo, 155 Mercer Street, Manhattan.
www.theandofone.blogspot.comOn Facebook